‘The Girl with the Gun’ by Avian
Singing with Avian at the Fisherman’s Cottage, Reading [Photo by Tom Rushmer, January 2018]

Link to your song

What is the feeling behind your song and how does it link to climate change?

This is an angry song really. It’s a song about climate change denial…something that the man won’t get away with!

The anger is pointed at those powerful media moguls and oil lobbies, who are spreading lies and making people believe that everything is going to be alright…and that we can keep living our fossil fuelled lifestyles, with no regard for our planet.

The girl is an avatar of Mother Nature. A force that you can only push so far! And the music builds like the danger of what we are doing … “it never rained this way in the world I remember” … something we are seeing already … with bigger and more frequent storms.

In the end there is the trial … a bit of retribution to sate my anger there. But there is certainly the late realisation in the song, as the man cries out “…I believe her…I believe her!”. Not too late I hope…

What is your link to Reading?

I was born here, schooled here; and I work and play here. It’s not a bad town all things considered. 🙂 …and if it all gets too much, I love to escape up the River Kennet or the Thames, into some lovely countryside.

For the last few years I have been part of the Reading Climate Change Partnership, and I’ve been trying to make sure we’ve got plans in place to make sure we are ready to adapt to the changing climate. We’ve got to make sure this town has a good future for all of us.

Your website or social media page

Summarise the mood of the song: Angry

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